Live Learning Online – How to Get the Most Out of It

Live online learning is a booming trend. It allows students to learn without having to be restricted by physical limitations. It involves using ed-tech platforms to host virtual classrooms, digital libraries and student communities in order to provide educational content that is accessible from any location on earth.

This allows instructors to provide immediate feedback and assist students to improve their understanding of the material. This is particularly beneficial for complex subjects that require a more intensive approach such as maths, chemistry, Russian or Arabic.

This results in a higher level of engagement in live classes than pre-recorded lessons. This is due to the fact that students are more likely to take notes and take part in the discussion. This helps them retain the content for longer.

Furthermore, students can form social bonds with other students in the same class and collaborate on assignments. This aspect should not be ignored when using a virtual classroom. Therefore, instructors should include games and activities in their classes.

Additionally, a correct camera setup is crucial for the success of a live class. The quality of the video must be sufficient to allow for a clear communication between instructors and students and it is suggested that instructors check the lighting in the area of filming prior to the start of a class. It is also beneficial to practice the presentation before with a friend or a colleague who could provide feedback on the video.